Contact and Location
My clinic is in the Oaklands neighborhood in Victoria, BC, Tuesday through Friday.
Online booking is for current or previously seen patients - even if I've only seen you once or its been several years. If you have any questions email or call me and I'd be happy to have a chat and check in with you.
For new patients please contact by email or phone first. I am accepting new patients for November 2024.
Clinic health plan - Updated September 2024
* If you have any symptoms - cough, fever, fatigue, headache, etc, please let me know right away. Depending on how severe it is, you may wear a mask when coming for your appointment. Otherwise please reschedule.
* It's better that you stay home and self-isolate, rather than worry about a late cancellation charge. I'm usually ok treating when patients are not feeling well, especially with seasonal allergies as a session can help you feel better, but if you have any doubts or questions please call me before your appointment. This is to protect myself, as well as the next patient I see.
* Masks - recommended in clinics, but not required.
About Me
I have lived and studied in Toronto and relocated to Victoria, BC in 2009. Transplanted from multimedia gulch in San Francisco as an unemployed tech worker in 2002, I knew there was more to life and the world than selling khaki pants on the internet. Massage has helped me get through 60+ hour work weeks in front of a computer. I knew then that massage and bodywork would be a great way to give to another human being on this planet.
Since graduating from massage school, I continued to deepen my knowledge of the healing arts. Aquatic Massage Therapy and Hot Stone Massage from Claudia Salzmann were my introduction to other hydrotherapies with a prolonged healing effect on the body. I was attuned to Reiki Level One (Usui Method) by Dori Kuulei Spondike in Honolulu.
I graduated as an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner from Collège d'Études Ostéopathiques, Vancouver campus on May 17, 2014. My thesis was on the effect of Global Osteopathic Treatment and Obstructive Sleep Apnea. The main school started in Montreal ; Vancouver Campus is
Before San Francisco and Toronto, I grew up in the middle of the Pacific Ocean on the islands of Oahu and Hawaii in the state of Hawaii. Restlessness and seeking adventure catapulted me out of there. It is a place of refuge for me and I go back often to recharge and visit family and friends.
My husband has brought me to Canada and many many doors with exciting opportunities have opened for us here. I love my new career and the people that I meet everyday. My career as a massage therapist and Osteopathic Manual Practitioner continues to expand and grow.
Courses in my toolbox, continuing education
2002 - 2004 Sutherland Chan School, Toronto, ON
2004 - Aquatic Massage Therapy with Claudia Salzmann, RMT, Toronto ON
2005 - Acupuncture for Massage Therapists, Toronto ON
2005 - 2014 - Collège d'Études Ostéopathiques, Vancouver, BC
2009 - Biodynamic Osteopathy, Bernard Derallians, DO, Montreal, BC
2012 - Visceral Osteopathy, Peter Wuhrl, DO, Vancouver, BC
2012 - Mechanical Link 1, Ildiko Neplaz, DO, Montreal, QC
2013 - Normalization of joint and visceral adhesions, "Manipulative Surgery", Mark Bozzetto, DO, Montreal QC
2014 - Endocranial Spasms I with Genevieve Forget, DO, Montreal, QC
2014 - Buteyko Breathing workshop with Chris Bauman, Victoria, BC
2015 - Visceral Manipulation in Osteopathy with Eric Hebgen, D.O. (Germany), Broussard, QC
2016 - Lymphatic Drainage Technique I (Chikley Institute) with Beverly Cook L.M.P, L.L.C.C., L.T.C., N.C.T.M.B., Seattle, WA
2016 - Endocranial Spasms II with Genevieve Forget, DO, Vancouver, BC
2016 - Whiplash, Osteopathic perspective, with Philipe Druelle, DO, Vancouver, BC
2016 - How to Manage and Treat Patients Who Have Undergone Serious Trauma, Dr. Theodore Jordan, D.O. (US), Montreal, QC
2016 - Normalizing the Brain-abdomen Axis and Harmonizing the Brain-intestine Axis, Benoit Champagne, D.O. (CA), Montreal, QC
2016 - Zero Balancing I, Sheila Lukasiewich BPE, Bsc(PT), Victoria, BC
2017 - LDT: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, MS & Chronic Neuroinflammations - Working with Fluid and Fascia, Bruno Chikley, DO (FR), MD (FR), Seattle, WA
2017 - Zero Balancing II, Sheila Lukasiewich BPE, Bsc(PT), Victoria, BC
2017 - Biomechanic, Functional, Biodynamic Course, Susanne F. Dick-Wallace, DO (Germany), Vancouver, BC
2017 - Spirit of the Organs - Balancing the Viscera (Zero Balancing), Judith Sullivan, Portland, OR
2018 - A Fluidic Approach to the Treatment of Connective Tissue, Jane Eliza Stark, MS, D.O.M.P., Vancouver, BC
2018 - The Pain Revolution: With Lorimer Moseley
2018 - RMTBC Symposium - Our Aging Population, Key Speaker Lorimar Moseley (Author of Explain Pain with David Butler)
2018 - Normalizing the Abdominal Brain and the Harmonization of the Brain-Intestine Axis, Montreal Osteopathic Symposium, Montreal, QC. Benoit Champagne, D.O., (CA)
2019 - Mechanical Link 2-4, as taught by Hélène Loiselle B.Sc. (Osteopathy, England), Vancouver, BC
2020 - Mechanical Link 5, as taught by Hélène Loiselle B.Sc. (Osteopathy, England), Vancouver, BC
2020 - Online - CMTBC Boundaries Standard of Practice
2020 - Online - Lung considerations w/Jeffrey Burch
2020 - Online - Cybersecurity Best Practices for Healthcare - by JaneApp, Ken Underhill
2020 - Online - Business, Accounting and Income Tax Seminar for RMTs, Jordan Pierson, CPA, CA
2020 - The Layered Approach to the Osteopathic Lesion by Brad McCutcheon, DOMP (Victoria, BC)
2021 - Intro to Gender Diversity - Expanded, The Learning Hub
2021 - Online - Dissection lab with Gil Hedley:
2021 - Online - Gentle yoga for pelvic floor health, Leigh Anne Milne
2021 - ELDOA 1 & 2, Paul Sherman, DO, Vancouver, BC
2022 - Embryological palpation and correction of patterns in the adult, Brad McCutcheon, DOMP, (Vancouver, BC)
2022 - Forgotten Techniques of William Garner Sutherland, Jane Eliza Stark, DOMP, (Vancouver, BC)
2022 -Rachel Brooks, DO (US) Key Concepts in the Power of Presence: Presence and Perception, Entering a Balanced Relationship - Patient and Practitioner, Understanding and Using Stillness.
2022 - Robert Morelli, DOMP, Optimize! Part 1
2023 - Frequency Specific Microcurrent, Dr. Carol McMakin, 5 day Core and In-Person Practicum
2024 - Frequency Specific Microcurrent Sports core and Advanced, Kim Pittis
2024 - Fibromyalgia - Dr. Carol McMakin online webinar
2024 - Susi Hately, Kin, C-IAYT, 60min, online Power of the Tongue
2024 - Philippe Druelle, DO, Biodynamics of the Viscera, in person
Favorite courses past and present