Lovely sunshine to start off June in Victoria, BC. Feels great to bask in the warmth of the sun in the backyard, in the garden, in others gardens, at the beach and parks over looking the ocean. We have many wonderful choices to be in nature here on Vancouver Island!
Self Care you have one? Is it at the back of your mind or something you make sure to do daily/weekly/monthly? Somethings fall to the bottom of the list or get forgotten completely of course! Sharing my list here, and in no particular order:
- Massage monthly - RMT appointments have to be booked 2-3 months in advance, I usually rotate between several of them depending on style and availability. Sometimes a hot stone massage is involved no matter what time of year, or a Thai massage is amazing!
- Osteopathic treatment - I see a couple of my classmates, each has their own style and I'm always feeling great after a session.
- Yoga - this is weekly/several times a week. Online mostly, but looking forward to outdoor classes this summer with various teachers and studios.
- Float House - sensory reduction while floating in warm salty water with gentle music playing in the background.
- Acupuncture - community acupuncture at A must for hormonal balance, general aches and pains, and insomnia. If you've never tried it, this place is fantastic. I also see another practitioner that does a combo with massage and cupping. A fabulous treatment!
- Stand Up Paddle boarding - SUP'ing around Victoria is such a great stress reliever! Being on the ocean with the quiet sounds of the currents is so calming. I'll occasionally paddle on Thetis, Elk, or Matheson as well.
- Foam rolling, massage balls, and Vibration plate workouts - these I will add on to my yoga workouts as well.
- Visit as many patios as I can this summer - the major benefit to the pandemic is the addition of so many patios from some of my favorite restaurants! Gotta love eating outdoors!
This is the main list for me. Do you have a list? It could be to visit as many gardens or beaches or campgrounds. It all counts as self care. Enjoy the start of summer!